October 2017 The Riders Seat: A Message From The President

October 2017 The Riders Seat: A Message From The President

Hello everyone,

I hope you enjoyed the wonderful summer and managed to ride a Norton.

It’s been a while since we connected, so I hope everything is going well with everyone.

The big club event over the summer was the very successful Annual Clark County Garage Crawl. In lieu of the September club meeting, members rode to five incredible “garage’s” to spend time drooling over some marvelous machines if all shapes and sizes.

Thank you so much to Mike, Wiley, Jim, Lee and your families for your hospitality and a fantastic day that we will remember for a long time.

For the August club meeting, we joined forces with the OVM (Oregon Vintage Motorcyclists) to participate in the very enjoyable Dennis Frye memorial ride to Larch Mountain.

As we begin the Fall season, please let us know if you have any projects or ideas for other events that would be of interest to club members. Tech nights/days are always a great fun event and a good way of sharing knowledge and getting the guys together during the gloomier weather. So please let us know if you have anything on the bench that you would like to share with the gang.

Looking further ahead to next year, you may have seen the notification about the INOA (International Norton Owners Association) rally in Washington state from July 16-20, 2018. It should be an amazing rally and with it being so close to home, I hope many of our club meeting members will be able to attend.

Happy riding!

Mike, President

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